How to uninstall 'Secure Folder' on a Samsung phone or tablet

This step-by-step tutorial will show you how to uninstall 'Secure Folder' on a Samsung phone or tablet.

There are two methods on this page for uninstalling Secure Folder.

The Secure Folder creates a private, encrypted space on your Samsung smartphone or tablet where you can keep your photos, videos, files, apps, and other data you want to keep private.

How to uninstall 'Secure Folder' on a Samsung phone or tablet (method 1)

  1. Open Secure Folder.
    Samsung Secure Folder
  2. Tap on the three-dot options button in the top right corner of your phone's or tablet's screen.
    Samsung Secure Folder options button
  3. Tap on Settings.
    Samsung Secure Folder settings
  4. Tap on More settings at the bottom of the settings screen.
    Samsung Secure Folder more settings
  5. Tap on Uninstall.
    uninstall Secure Folder on a Samsung phone
  6. Check the Move media files out of Secure Folder option.
  7. Tap on Uninstall to uninstall Secure Folder.
    uninstall Secure Folder on a Samsung phone

How to uninstall 'Secure Folder' on a Samsung phone or tablet (method 2)

  1. Open settings.
    Samsung phone settings
  2. Open Biometrics and security.
    Open Biometrics and security on a Samsung phone
  3. Tap on Secure Folder.
    Open Secure Folder settings on a Samsung phone
  4. You might need to use your fingerprint or pin to continue.
  5. Tap on More settings.
    Open more Secure Folder settings in a Samsung phone
  6. Tap on Uninstall.
    Uninstall Secure Folder on a Samsung phone
  7. Check the Move media files out of Secure Folder option.
  8. Tap on Uninstall to uninstall Secure Folder.
    Uninstall Secure Folder on a Samsung phone

