Fix: Reddit app not loading and showing thumbnails on Android

This step-by-step tutorial will show you what to do when the Reddit app isn't loading and showing thumbnails.

1. Check if thumbnails are set to 'always show' in the Reddit app

  1. Open the Reddit app on your Android smartphone or tablet.
  2. Tap on your profile icon (avatar) located in the top right corner.
    Reddit profile icon
  3. Tap on Settings located at the bottom of the menu.
    Open settings in the Reddit app on Android
  4. Scroll down to the 'View options' section.
  5. At Thumbnails, you make sure that Always show is selected.
    Thumbnail setting in the Reddit app on Android

Close the Reddit app, open it again, and check if the thumbnails are showing.

2. Clear the cache of the Reddit app

  1. Open your phone's or tablet's settings.
    Samsung phone settings
  2. Open Apps.
    Open apps on a Samsung
  3. Tap on Reddit.
    Reddit app in apps list
  4. Tap on Storage.
    Reddit app storage
  5. Tap on Clear cache located at the bottom.
    Clear cache of Reddit app on Android

Open the Reddit app and check if the thumbnails are showing.

Depending on how often you use the Reddit app, you may have to repeat these steps every 1 or 2 weeks.

3. Change DNS settings on your phone or tablet

  1. Open your phone's or tablet's settings.
    Samsung phone settings
  2. Tap on Connections or Network & internet.
    Open network and internet settings on Android
  3. Tap on Private DNS. If you don't see the 'Private DNS' option, you may have to tap on More connection settings or Advanced.
    Open private DNS settings on Android
  4. Tap on Private DNS provider hostname to enable this option.
    Enable Private DNS provider hostname
  5. Enter or (Cloudflare) or or or in the field below Private DNS provider hostname. You may need to test these DNS providers to see which one works best for you in terms of speed.
  6. Tap on Save.
    Private DNS provider hostname setting on Android

Open the Reddit app and check if the thumbnails are showing.

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