How to disable device security on a Samsung phone or tablet

This step-by-step tutorial will show you how to turn off device security (also known as device protection or app protection) on a Samsung phone or tablet.

The methods on this page work for all Samsung smartphones and tablets.

Device security (also known as device protection or app protection) is a malware (virus) scanner developed by McAfee that comes pre-installed on Samsung devices.

You don't need it because Google Play Protect already scans all apps. It can even cause slow app installations and updates because it scans all apps you install and update.

You cannot uninstall it, but you can turn it off.

You'll find three methods on this page that explain how to turn it off.

The first method is for Samsung devices with older versions of Android, like Android versions 7 to 10.

The second and third methods are for Samsung devices with newer versions of Android, like Android versions 11 to 14.

Disable device security on a Samsung phone or tablet method 1

  1. Open your phone's settings.
    Samsung phone settings
  2. Open Apps.
    Open Samsung Galaxy apps list
  3. Tap on the ⁝ (3 dots) options button in the top right corner of your phone's screen.
    Samsung Galaxy apps options button
  4. Tap on Show system apps.
    Show system apps on Samsung Galaxy
  5. Scroll down to Device security and tap on it.
    Samsung Galaxy Device Security

You can also search for device security and tap on it when it appears.

Samsung Galaxy Device Security
  1. Tap on Storage.
    Samsung Galaxy Device Security storage settings
  2. Tap on Clear data. On some Android versions, you can find it at the bottom of the screen.
    Clear data Samsung Galaxy Device Security
  3. Tap on Delete or OK (depends on your Android version).

Device security is now disabled.

To check if device security is disabled, you open your phone's settings > 'Device maintenance' or 'Device care' > 'Device security' or 'Security'.

To activate device security, you open your phone's settings > 'Device maintenance' or 'Device care' > 'Device security' or 'Security' > tap on Activate.

Disable device security on a Samsung phone or tablet method 2

  1. Open your phone's settings.
    Samsung phone settings
  2. Open Apps.
    Open Samsung Galaxy apps list
  3. Tap on the Your apps option button on a Samsung phone icon located next to Your apps above the list with apps.
    Your apps option button on a Samsung phone
  4. Tap on the toggle button next to Show system apps to turn this option on.
  5. Tap on OK at the bottom.
    Show system apps on a Samsung phone
  6. Scroll down to Device security and tap on it.
    Device security app on a Samsung phone

You can also search for device security and tap on it when it appears.

Search for Device security app on a Samsung phone
  1. Tap on Storage.
    Storage settings of Device security app on a Samsung phone
  2. Tap on Clear data at the bottom.
    Clear data of Device security app on a Samsung phone
  3. Tap on OK.

Device security is now disabled.

To check if device security is disabled, you open your phone's settings > 'Battery and device care' or 'Device maintenance' or 'Device care' > 'Device protection' or 'Device security' or 'Security'.

To activate device security, you open your phone's settings > 'Battery and device care' or 'Device maintenance' or 'Device care' > 'Device protection' or 'Device security' or 'Security' > tap on Turn on or Activate.

Disable device security on a Samsung phone or tablet method 3

  1. Open your phone's settings.
    Samsung Galaxy settings Android 9
  2. Open Battery and device care.
    Samsung Battery and device care
  3. Tap on Device protection or App protection.
    Samsung device protection
  4. Tap on the ⁝ menu button in the top right corner of your phone's screen.
    Samsung device protection menu button
  5. Tap Device protection settings or App protection settings.
    Samsung device protection settings
  6. Tap on the toggle button to turn it off.
    Turn off Samsung device protection

Device protection or App protection is now turned off.

To check if device protection is turned off, you open your phone's settings > 'Battery and device care' > 'Device protection' or 'App protection'.

To activate device protection, you open your phone's settings > 'Battery and device care' > 'Device protection' or 'App protection' > tap on the Turn on button.



How to activate the built-in antivirus on a Samsung phone

How to uninstall 'Secure Folder' on a Samsung phone or tablet