How to change a username on Windows 10 & 11 without account

This step-by-step tutorial will show you how to change your username on Windows 10 and 11 without a Microsoft account. The steps work for local user accounts.

A local user account is an offline account that you use to log in to your Windows 10 or 11 PC.

How to change a username on Windows 10 and 11 without account

  1. Click on the Windows start menu button or search icon.
    Windows start menu button and search icon
  2. Type control panel.
  3. Click on Control Panel when it appears in the search results.
    Open Control Panel in Windows 11
  4. Click on User Accounts.
    Open User Accounts settings in Windows 10
  5. Click again on User Accounts.
    Open User Accounts settings in Windows 10
  6. Click on Change your account name.
    Open change account name setting in Windows 10

Note: If you want to change the username of another account, then click on Manage another account and select the account you wish to edit.

Manage another account
  1. If a 'User Account Control' window appears, you click on Yes.
  2. Enter a new username for the account.
  3. Click on Change Name.
    Change username on Windows 10 without a Microsoft account

The username is now changed.

You may need to restart your PC to see the change.

Category: Windows


Author: EasyTech